quality assurance

Hands gesturing around a table with papers and tablet devices showing charts and graphs

Quality & Compliance

Demystifying CAPA Management: Overcoming Challenges in the Fast-Paced World of GMP

This article has been updated since its original publication date. Navigating the complexities of Corrective Action / Preventive Action (CAPA) in the drug and medical device industries often poses a...

Clinical Research Solutions

How to Give Quality Assurance the Respect It Deserves During a Post-Merger Integration

A typical post-merger integration (PMI) between two companies is challenging, time-consuming, stressful, and resource intensive. Even the companies most experienced with integration find these...

Clinical Research Solutions

Implementing a Risk-Based Supplier Management Program

According to recent FDA updates on the implementation of the Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), nearly 40 percent of finished drugs are being imported, and nearly 80 percent of active ingredients,...

Clinical Research Solutions

Does Your Training Program Have Traction?

With the spotlight these days on Data Integrity, it may be easy to lose sight of some fundamental Quality Systems. Core Quality Systems include Document Management, Investigation Management, and...

Clinical Research Solutions

Does your Quality System stand up to the challenge?

Implementing and maintaining a Quality System is a complex challenge. It is as much as an art as it is a science. A company’s Quality System establishes the framework to manage and maintain...

Clinical Research Solutions

Gravity and Quality Assurance

As we’ve now moved on from another cold winter month, I was captivated recently thinking about Quality Assurance and our collective responsibilities. All kinds of things come to mind; Deviations,...

Clinical Research Solutions

CAPA and the Importance of Effective Technical Writing

My apologies to you in the technical writing profession out there, but there are not too many topics that are as bland and unappealing as technical writing. Personally, I'd rather step on a sharp...

Clinical Research Solutions

Sneak Preview: What Will the Quality Metrics Initiative Look Like?

I had lunch in a restaurant the other day. During my meal, I noticed that there weren't many other customers. I didn't give it much thought until I walked out and read the restaurant's hygiene grade...

Clinical Research Solutions

Who Owns Quality?

When it comes to the Healthcare industry (e.g. pharmaceuticals, medical devices, dietary supplements, etc.) who owns a company's Quality Assurance practices? Without a doubt the Quality organization...

Clinical Research Solutions

Why Measure and Report Quality Metrics?

A wise man recently told me that “honor and respect should be given freely, but trust is earned”. Whether it’s in politics, friendships, church, marriages, parenting or even the business world,...

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