promotional review

Regulatory Sciences

MLR Submission Content: Setting Yourself up for a Successful PRC Review

Having a highly efficient well-oiled Promotional Review Committee (PRC) machine is not just about having rock star reviewers and effective best practices in place. Although those are both critical...

Regulatory Sciences

Beyond the Trifecta: Best Practices for a Successful Promotional Review Committee (PRC) Process

To reduce frustration within a promotional review committee (PRC), the PRC must be a well-oiled machine firing on all cylinders and working at optimum capacity. How does a PRC achieve this? By...

Regulatory Sciences

The Trifecta of Promotional Review: What is a PRC & What do They Do?

The mystique of PRC unveiled – what is it and why you need it to assure successful promotional review. You have received approval from the regulators. You have a dynamic sales force in place. They...

Professionals collaborating together at a conference table.

Clinical Research Solutions

Who’s Watching? Why You Should Care About Global Promotional Material Review

Recently, there have been two notable cases regarding pharmaceutical advertising code violations based on LinkedIn content. It was announced that Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk has been suspended by...