north america

Two gloved hands drawing blood from a finger.

Clinical Research Solutions

Replacement Reagent and Instrument Family Policy for In Vitro Diagnostic Devices

GUIDANCE DOCUMENT - Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff AUGUST 2022 In 2003, FDA issued an updated guidance on the "Replacement Reagent and Instrument Family Policy" for in vitro diagnostic (IVD)...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Pathways to Medical Device Approval

Commercializing your medical device in the US market often requires submitting a marketing application to the FDA to become an FDA Approved or Cleared Medical Device. The content of your FDA...

Icons for different filename types to represent electronic submissions.

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Regional Implementation Guide for E2B(R3) Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports for Drug and Biological Products

This technical specifications document is to assist interested parties in electronically submitting individual case safety reports (ICSRs) (and ICSR attachments) to the Center for Drug Evaluation and...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Solicits Feedback on ANDA Submissions – Amendments to ANDAs Under GDUFA Guidance, Appendix A

Ahead of this year’s reauthorization of the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments (GDUFA) , FDA has established a docket to solicit comments on the content of Appendix A in the July 2018 guidance for...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Publishes Complex Generics News Resource

Today the FDA is publishing a new web page to share the most recent FDA actions and activities related to complex generics. This new resource is part of FDA’s continued commitment to ensuring...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Recognizes August as National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month provides us an opportunity to think about how far the development and advancement of immunization science has come, and its impact on public health. The U.S....

Several pills sitting on a table.

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA publishes product-specific guidances to facilitate generic drug development

Today, FDA published a new batch of product-specific guidances (PSGs). PSGs provide recommendations for developing generic drugs and generating the evidence needed to support abbreviated new drug...

Person typing on laptop with transparent icons floating around.

Clinical Research Solutions

Electronic Submission of Expedited Safety Reports From IND-Exempt BA/BE Studies Guidance for Industry

Guidance Document August 2022 This guidance provides instructions for the electronic submission of expedited individual case safety reports (ICSRs) from investigational new drug (IND)-exempt...

Close-up of a supplement bottle with N-acetyl-L-cysteine as an ingredient.

Clinical Research Solutions

Guidance for Industry: Policy Regarding N-acetyl-L-cysteine

Guidance Document August 2022 The purpose of this guidance is to advise dietary supplement manufacturers, distributors, and other stakeholders of our intent to exercise enforcement discretion with...

Clinical Research Solutions

UK Paediatric Investigational Plans – what do you need to know?? …and how is it all working in practice??

If a marketing authorisation is planned to be submitted in England, Scotland, and Wales (GB), an MHRA-approved paediatric investigational plan (PIP) is required. Up until January 1, 2021, PIPs were...

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