general regulatory

Clinical Research Solutions

Waivers for Carcinogenicity Studies? Not So Fast!

The recently published request for comments regarding the Proposed Change to Rodent Carcinogenicity Testing of Pharmaceuticals signals intent by regulatory agencies to alter what Sponsors consider in...

Regulatory Sciences

FDA Releases New Guidance on Meetings with Sponsors of Biosimilars

On March 29, 2013, the FDA made available a draft guidance for Sponsors of biosimilar products outlining the procedures and processes for meetings with the FDA. Although much of guidance for the...

Clinical Research Solutions

Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA) Overview

FDA user fees have been a fact of life for regulated industries for nearly two decades. As you continue to comply by paying the fees, you should understand what the revenue does for you....

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Comments on Proposed Prescription Drug Labeling

Standardized prescription drug labeling was implemented by FDA in 1979. In the following years as labeling became more complex, FDA re-evaluated its usefulness and published a final rule in 2006...

Clinical Research Solutions

Extended Review Timeline for Certain Applications under Proposed PDUFA V

The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) is due to be reauthorized by the end of September this year. Along with the usual increases in fees, the latest version of the act (PDUFA V) includes some...

Clinical Research Solutions

Label Changes Related to the QTc Interval

In a recent FDA Drug Safety Communication, the Agency announced that the Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) label now has revised dosing recommendations based on evaluations of post-marketing reports...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Study Finds Lower Risk of Lung Cancer Among Menthol Smokers

In March 2011, the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee released a report on the impact of menthol on public health. Based on the committee’s review of all available evidence, they...

Clinical Research Solutions

Cetero FDA Action

If your company has used Cetero Research's Houston facility to conduct bioanalytical studies between April 1, 2005 and June 15, 2010, your marketing applications may need to be repeated or confirmed....

Clinical Research Solutions

GRAS List Substances: Background and Misconceptions

Although it is widely known that the acronym GRAS stands for “Generally Recognized as Safe”, many individuals believe that GRAS substances have been rigorously reviewed for safety and approved for...

Clinical Research Solutions

You Do Have a Voice – The FDA Rulemaking Process

Did you know that the FDA Rulemaking Process allows for the public to comment before procedural and scientific requirements go into effect? This is the case for both the debut and amendments to...

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