
Quality & Compliance

EMA vs. FDA Virtual GCP Auditing Guidance: What You Need to Know

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, global regulatory authorities adopted a pragmatic virtual auditing approach. This approach includes the flexibility and procedural simplifications to maintain...

Clinical Research Solutions

6 Quick Tips for Excel Spreadsheet Validation

Are you using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for GxP activities? Are these Excel sheets used again and again, as a template? Ever thought about validating your spreadsheet templates? Is the person who...

R&D Technology

Improve your R&D Strategy with These 6 Tips

In 2017, R&D investments in the pharmaceutical space reached more than $70 billion, with projected figures of over $200 billion by 2024. Pharma is one of the two sectors with semiconductors that are...

Clinical Research Solutions

Life Sciences Data Analytics: The Importance of Big Data

Big data is hitting us from all angles, and life science industries are not being left out. Why? Your life depends on it, literally. Life sciences generate lots of large and complex data every single...

Clinical Research Solutions

Using a Matrix Approach to Media Fills in Sterile Compounding

Using a Matrix Approach to Media Fills in Sterile Compounding: A survey of FDA Form 483 observations issued to the 503B pharmacy industry reveals that outsourcing compounders are struggling to...

Clinical Research Solutions

How to Write an Effective Quality Investigation Report

In 2016, the FDA issued hundreds of 483 observations across the Drug and Device industries for failing to thoroughly review or investigate issues. This topic consistently hits the top five most...

Example of a process validation strategy

Clinical Research Solutions

Operational Qualifications 'Worst Case' Conditions

A common principle in Operational Qualification (OQ) studies is to challenge processes under worst case conditions. A "worst case" condition or set of conditions are generally those parameters...

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