computer systems validation

Clinical Research Solutions

Implementing eQMS in a Regulated Environment

Everything we do today is traceable. The integrity of the data, documents and decisions needs to be defendable and consistent. Electronic Quality Management Systems (eQMS) are an effective way to...

Clinical Research Solutions

Just How Mature Is Your Data Lifecycle / Data Management Function?

The attention of regulatory agencies continues to focus on data integrity, as observed by the increase of FDA observations over the course of the last few years. Having a proper data lifecycle / data...

Clinical Research Solutions

Summary Considerations: Use of Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures in Clinical Investigations Under 21 CFR Part 11 – Questions and Answers

Here I provide some key summaries and considerations relative to FDA’s draft guidance that was submitted for review and comment in June 2017. If you don’t want to review the entire guidance, here are...

Clinical Research Solutions

Data Integrity 101: Is your data compliant?

Data integrity has recently been in the agency spotlight. In part because of the draft data integrity guidance issued April 2016, but primarily due to an increased number of inspection findings...

Illustration of a computer being cloned to other computers.

Clinical Research Solutions

Is Your Laboratory PC Cloned From the Proper Image?

Managing compliance for computerized lab systems includes the PC controlling your qualified instruments. This is an integral audit point that must be maintained to ensure compliance. Ah, but you’re...

Clinical Research Solutions

Top Takeaways from FDA’s Guidance on Data Integrity

For those of you unaware, the FDA submitted a draft guidance on data integrity for comment in April. This is significant in that the last formal written guidance provided from FDA on this subject...

Clinical Research Solutions

Everything you to need to know about Audit Trails

In today’s validated lab environment, knowing the importance of an audit trail in computerized laboratory systems is just one of the integral qualification tasks that the ProPharma’s Computer System...

Clinical Research Solutions

CSV Considerations Around Data Integrity

Data integrity is a current hot topic, but not a new one, within the life sciences industries and associated product supply chains. This article will not delve into why there have been so many recent...

Clinical Research Solutions

Looking to the Cloud for your Business

computer susteIt’s a Friday afternoon. Quarter’s end. Your V.P. of Regulatory Affairs calls your office bellowing something about not being able to process the latest submission data- can’t access...

Clinical Research Solutions

Lean CSV Requirements and Planning – How to Reduce Waste, Increase Value, and Maintain Compliance

The diagram below depicts an example CSV lifecycle alignment with ASTM E2500 and GAMP. Building onto a previous post, Lean CSV - How to Reduce Waste and Increase Value, today's blog focuses on...

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