thought leadership

ProPharma’s team of dedicated experts is at the forefront of both existing and emerging industry trends. ProPharma’s team inspires tomorrow by leveraging rich data insights across our service lines and functional areas to develop innovative solutions that answer the most complex needs of both existing and prospective clients.

Digital Transformation in Life Sciences: The Importance of Data Strategy

What is Digital Transformation?

While there are many different definitions of digital transformation in life sciences, the core concepts they all have in common are digital technology and creating new, or modifying existing, ways of working. The underlying business driver is that digital...

Clinical Research Solutions

Final Guidance: Over-the-Counter Pediatric Oral Liquid Drug Products Containing Acetaminophen

After ongoing concern regarding potential overdose in OTC pediatric oral liquid drug products containing acetaminophen, FDA announced the availability of a final guidance earlier this week. Published...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Prescription Drug User Fee Rates: Fiscal Year 2016

As amended by the Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012, The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) authorizes FDA to assess and collect fees from sponsors submitting applications...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Outsourcing Facility Fee Rates: Fiscal Year 2016

Under the FD&C Act, FDA is authorized to collect annual establishment and reinspection fees from human drug compounding outsourcing facilities. These fees are collected on an annual basis, and...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Generic Drug User Fee Rates: Fiscal Year 2016

As required by the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012, FDA has announced the 2016 rates for the following user fees: Abbreviated new drug application (ANDA), Prior approval to an ANDA (PAS),...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Medical Device User Fee Rates: Fiscal Year 2016

Starting in 2002, the FDA began implementing "user fees" in which manufacturers of medical devices wishing to obtain approval from the Agency would pay the pre-specified amount in return for the...

Clinical Research Solutions

Looking to the Cloud for your Business

computer susteIt’s a Friday afternoon. Quarter’s end. Your V.P. of Regulatory Affairs calls your office bellowing something about not being able to process the latest submission data- can’t access...

Clinical Research Solutions

Business Sustainability: A Case for Process Validation

Business sustainability is an often heard buzz phrase, but how does it apply when a costly process validation is imminent? Process validation is not only a regulatory compliance issue; it is also a...

Clinical Research Solutions

If You Didn't Write It Down...

Since the day I entered the industry the mantra of “If you didn’t write it down, it didn’t happen” was repeatedly drilled into my daily mode of operation. The margins of my test sheets were filled...

Clinical Research Solutions

Sustainable Media Program for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Part II: Tools for Successful Media Fills

Today, ProPharma Group’s Simona Gherman adds to her series on Media Programs and media fills. Part I of this series was an overview with background information and tips. Part II focuses on what you...

Clinical Research Solutions

Understanding Statistical Intervals: Part 2 - Prediction Intervals

Part 1 of this series discussed confidence intervals. Confidence intervals are the best known of the statistical intervals but they only bound regions associated with population parameters; i.e., the...

Hands working on a laptop.

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA’s Expedited Programs Explained

In order to incentivize the development of therapies (drugs biologics) to fill unmet medical needs for treatment of serious conditions, the FDA has developed various programs to expedite drug...

Clinical Research Solutions

A Guide to the Clinical Study Report

What is a Clinical Study Report? A Clinical Study Report (CSR) is a document that describes the methods and results of a clinical study or trial, along with a short discussion of key findings related...

Healthcare worker showing a woman details on a tablet device.

Medical Information

What are Patient Support Programs?

Patient Support Programs (PSPs) in the pharmaceutical sector represent an array of aimed at supporting patients in initiating therapy and maintaining adherence. PSPs, also known as Patient Assistance...

Array of different icons

Clinical Research Solutions

How Important is Biostatistics?

The link between statistical methods and healthcare is not a new one, but the volume of available data to inform healthcare decisions and the use of data science in the medical industry has exploded...

Casually dressed business professionals discussing intensely at a conference table

Regulatory Sciences

Formal FDA Meetings for Sponsors or Applications of PDUFA Products

This article has been updated since its original February 28, 2017 publication. Since the introduction of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) VII for fiscal years 2023 - 2027, the FDA...

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