thought leadership

ProPharma’s team of dedicated experts is at the forefront of both existing and emerging industry trends. ProPharma’s team inspires tomorrow by leveraging rich data insights across our service lines and functional areas to develop innovative solutions that answer the most complex needs of both existing and prospective clients.

Digital Transformation in Life Sciences: The Importance of Data Strategy

What is Digital Transformation?

While there are many different definitions of digital transformation in life sciences, the core concepts they all have in common are digital technology and creating new, or modifying existing, ways of working. The underlying business driver is that digital...

Clinical Research Solutions

Are You Ready for AIQ? (Part II)

In the previous installment of this blog, we discussed the importance of establishing a Master Validation Plan, and how to plan and assess your validation approach. Today’s segment will complete the...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Extends Compliance Date For GUDID For Some Devices After Discovering Security Flaw

In 2013, FDA introduced a new set of regulations that would establish a unique device identification system for medical devices. They also announced the dates for implementation, which would be done...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Exempts Eight More Device Classes From Premarket Notification Requirements

Last month FDA published a guidance (titled “Intent to Exempt Certain Unclassified, Class II, and Class I Reserved Medical Devices from Premarket Notification Requirements”) announcing that they...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Released Draft Guidance on Common Issues in Rare Disease Drug Development

After the FDA passed the Orphan Drug Act in 1983, the number of orphan drugs (drugs indicated for the treatment of rare diseases that affect 200,000 people or less in the United States) submitted to...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Policy on “Off Label” Use Causes First Amendment Fight

After being accused of “misbranding” their product, Amarin Pharma, a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers Vascepa, a cardiovascular health drug, recently challenged the FDA after promoting the...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Issues Warning Letter After Kim Kardashian Posts Selfie

On July 19, 2015, Kim Kardashian posted a “selfie” to her Instagram and Twitter accounts. You may be thinking “She does that all the time… Why would that matter to the FDA?” The selfie in question...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Guidance: Refuse To Accept Policy for 510(k)s

On August 4, 2015, the FDA announced the availability of a guidance outlining the Agency’s updated Refuse to Accept policy for 510(k)s, that is scheduled to take effect starting October 1, 2015. This...

Clinical Research Solutions

Are You Ready for AIQ?

Do you find yourself in one of the following situations? + Your equipment has broken down due to frequent usage or wear and thus requires repair. You realize that once repaired, any equipment will...

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA Simplifies the Search for Guidance Documents

As many of us know, searching for an FDA guidance document from the past can be a rather daunting task. That is until recently… Guidances are one of the most requested and searched for items on the...

Clinical Research Solutions

Understanding Statistical Intervals: Part 2 - Prediction Intervals

Part 1 of this series discussed confidence intervals. Confidence intervals are the best known of the statistical intervals but they only bound regions associated with population parameters; i.e., the...

Hands working on a laptop.

Clinical Research Solutions

FDA’s Expedited Programs Explained

In order to incentivize the development of therapies (drugs biologics) to fill unmet medical needs for treatment of serious conditions, the FDA has developed various programs to expedite drug...

Clinical Research Solutions

A Guide to the Clinical Study Report

What is a Clinical Study Report? A Clinical Study Report (CSR) is a document that describes the methods and results of a clinical study or trial, along with a short discussion of key findings related...

Healthcare worker showing a woman details on a tablet device.

Medical Information

What are Patient Support Programs?

Patient Support Programs (PSPs) in the pharmaceutical sector represent an array of aimed at supporting patients in initiating therapy and maintaining adherence. PSPs, also known as Patient Assistance...

Array of different icons

Clinical Research Solutions

How Important is Biostatistics?

The link between statistical methods and healthcare is not a new one, but the volume of available data to inform healthcare decisions and the use of data science in the medical industry has exploded...

Casually dressed business professionals discussing intensely at a conference table

Regulatory Sciences

Formal FDA Meetings for Sponsors or Applications of PDUFA Products

This article has been updated since its original February 28, 2017 publication. Since the introduction of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) VII for fiscal years 2023 - 2027, the FDA...

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