Our "Meet the Expert" series introduces you to our team of experts around the world. This "behind the curtain" view will help you get to know who we are on a professional and personal level, and highlight how our colleagues work together on our higher purpose to improve patient health and safety throughout the complete product lifecycle.
I work collaboratively with our multilingual medical information specialists to provide high quality medical information and pharmacovigilance services to our clients in Latin America. By integrating the Latin America medical information services with other regions, through client globalization, and by speaking the language of our customers, we are able to improve the health and safety of our patients delivering high-quality, up-to-date medical information responses in local language.
As a medical information leader, I assist and support our multilingual medical information specialists handling and processing medical information, adverse event and product quality complaint cases, and help our project leads managing our projects and communicating with our clients. To ensure continuous success for our programs and clients, my main goal is to focus on team development through coaching and mentorship opportunities.
One of the biggest challenges our clients are facing today is to globalize services without RCO support. This is commonly seen in Latin America countries used to operate independently from other regions and accustomed to their own procedures. When our clients approach ProPharma requesting help with globalization, having a single source RCO working together across multiple regions to accomplish that, makes the globalization process for our clients seamless, as we speak the language of client’s local affiliates and can support them through the way.
Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, crocheting amigurumi, exercising and spending time with my family. I currently live in Florida with my husband and two sons (4 years old and 17 months old).
The people here are what makes ProPharma the dream company to work for. I am proud of how our employees have built a collaborative work environment at ProPharma, filled with respect, honesty, and commitment.