June 13, 2024
According to §63a of the German Medicinal Products Act (AMG), a pharmaceutical entrepreneur who places finished medicinal products on the market that are medicinal products within the meaning of §2 section 1 or section 2 no. 1 AMG must appoint a qualified person resident in a member state of the European Union with the necessary expertise and reliability to carry out their activities (Graduated Plan Representative). In addition to marketing authorization holders (MAH), this also applies to co-distributors and users of standard marketing authorizations, as they are also pharmaceutical entrepreneurs pursuant to §4 section 18 AMG and place medicinal products on the market under their name.
A pharmaceutical company that only has central marketing authorizations does not need a graduated plan officer. In this case, the EU QPPV is sufficient, which assumes the tasks of the graduated plan officer to the extent of the obligations under Art. 23 of Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 and article 104 of Directive 2001/83/EC.
Watch our webinar: How to Setup an Effective PV System in the UK and EU/EEA
For the other obligations of a GPO, some of which go beyond the tasks of the EU QPPV the pharmaceutical company must ensure that a person is appointed to assume these duties. Such duties are the systematic recording and analysis of complaints and reporting of recalls.
If the EU QPPV does not speak German, this supporting person should assist the EU QPPV linguistically or through language mediation.
Even if this supporting person is not a graduated plan officer him/herself, he/she will be tasked with performing the duties of the graduated plan officer.
In accordance with § 63a AMG, a graduated plan officer (equivalent to the EU QPPV) for national marketing authorizations and marketing authorizations from decentralized procedure (DCP) or the mutual recognition procedure (MRP) must be registered with the competent authority ("Landesbehörde"- federal state authority) and the competent higher federal authority ("Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte - BfArM" and/or the “Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - PEI”, if applicable) for the scope of the AMG.
The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, is responsible for the following medicinal products (§ 77 AMG):
The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is responsible for all other medicinal products intended for human use.
If the pharmaceutical company/MAH has its location in Germany, the corresponding state authority must also be informed about the registration of the GPO. In case the pharmaceutical company/MAH is located in another EU-country, the registration of the GPO is only done at the BfArM or PEI.
The registration of the graduated plan officer in accordance with § 63a section 3 AMG takes place via the PharmNet.Bund portal "Registration of the graduated plan officer".
The PharmNet Bund Reporting Portal is used to report graduated plan officers, deputies, change notifications of persons or contact details, as well as to deregister the named persons and implement the requirements of the Online Access Act (OZG). All information on the graduated plan officer or the person responsible for performing the duties of the graduated plan officer within the context of the AMWHV also applies to deputies.
The local legislation is based on the German Medicinal Products Act (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG) - §63a Graduated Plan Officer and the Ordinance on the Manufacture of Medicinal Products and Active Substances (Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellungsverordnung, AMWHV) - §19 Complaints and Recalls
German Medicinal Products Act (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG) - §63a Graduated Plan Officer - English content translation
Ordinance on the Manufacture of Medicinal Products and Active Substances (Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellungsverordnung, AMWHV) - §19 Complaints and Recalls - English content translation
Here are some common questions about the local requirements for GPO.
After marketing authorization approval, before launch the marketing authorization holder has to ensure that local literature search is performed. However, the Graduated Plan Officer is only required once product launch starts.
Specific for centrally authorized products the EU QPPV can serve as the GPO for certain tasks and no GPO needs to be appointed.
No, this is not necessary. The Graduated Plan Officer shall reside and operate in a Member State of the European Union.
There are no language requirements in the AMG. However, since communication with the authorities is predominantly in German, the Graduated Plan Officer, unless she/he speaks German her-/himself, shall have access 24 hours a day to a suitably qualified person.
The Graduated Plan Officer must be sufficiently knowledgeable; a specific proof of knowledge is not (or no longer) required. The person must have sufficient professional qualifications to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations, in particular the company pharmacovigilance system.
This qualification can be acquired through professional training and practical experience. The professional qualification is assessed on a case-by-case basis and should be based on the product portfolio of the pharmaceutical company and the assessment of the possible drug risks associated with it (§ 19 Para. 1 AMWHV). Further details on this must be agreed with the competent state authorities.
Yes, the Graduated Plan Officer must be available 24/7 for the Competent Authorities.
No, it is not required as per legislation. However, for business contingency purposes it is recommended to have a deputy GPO available.
Regarding the notification of the deputy GPO to the BfArM, there is no legal obligation. The AMG requires the notification of the GPO, but not explicitly that of the deputy. Nevertheless, it is desirable for smooth communication between the authority and the pharmaceutical entrepreneur to also contact the deputy GPO officer directly, if necessary. Therefore, it would save time and effort if the contact details of the deputy are also known.
The GPO is like the QPPV, the key person to implement and maintain local, German PV processes and systems and to oversee the benefit risk profile of your products. Their tasks and responsibilities on national level are comparable to those of the QPPV on global level, including the systematic recording of complaints as well as informing the competent local authority of any defect that could lead to a recall or unusual restriction of distribution.
The GPO is therefore not only relevant for the PV system but also an important key role in the quality system and the interaction with the Competent Authorities. The complexity of the role and the very specific local registration process may be a difficult burden to Marketing authorization holders.
If you need GPO support, ProPharma has a well-established QPPV Office team which includes colleagues qualified for the QPPV role, as well as colleagues who are qualified to support you as a GPO. Please reach out to ProPharma for any support and contact the team at ProPharma today.
TAGS: LPPV QPPV Pharmacovigilance Graduated Plan Officer (GPO)
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