Biotech Startup Approaching IND: 5 Mistakes to Avoid While Writing a Development Plan

August 14, 2023

Team of professionals collaborating around a laptop.

In the drug development process, the Investigational New Drug (IND) application holds immense significance for biotech startups. It serves as a comprehensive overview submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), outlining the drug and the upcoming clinical trials for evaluating its safety and efficacy. To ensure a successful IND development plan, it is crucial to avoid certain mistakes. In this blog post, we will discuss five common mistakes that biotech startups should steer clear of when crafting their IND development plan.

Mistake 1: Failing to Conduct Adequate Preclinical Studies

One of the most common mistakes that biotech startups make when writing their IND development plan is failing to conduct adequate preclinical studies. Preclinical studies are conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a drug in animals before human clinical trials can begin. These studies provide critical information about the pharmacology, toxicology, and metabolism of the drug, as well as its potential side effects.

Mistake 2: Failing to Provide Adequate Information About the Drug

Biotech startups frequently make the mistake of failing to provide adequate information about the drug in their IND development plan.

The IND application should provide detailed information about the chemical composition of the drug, its mechanism of action, and the results of preclinical studies.

Failing to meet the necessary requirements and making common mistakes can have significant consequences for biotech startups when preparing their IND application. These errors can result in delays in the approval process or, in more severe cases, the outright rejection of the application. It is crucial for biotech startups to ensure they adhere to all the requirements and diligently avoid the mistakes discussed below. By doing so, they can reduce the risk of setbacks and increase their chances of a successful IND application review.

Mistake 3: Failing to Define Clear Objectives and Endpoints

Biotech startups commonly neglect the crucial step of clearly defining objectives and endpoints in their IND development plan. The objectives of the clinical trials should be clearly defined, and the primary and secondary endpoints should be identified.

Failing to define clear objectives and endpoints can result in delays in the approval process or even the rejection of the IND application. Biotech startups should ensure that they define clear objectives and endpoints in their IND application.

Mistake 4: Failing to Address Potential Safety Concerns

Biotech startups often overlook the importance of addressing potential safety concerns in their IND development plan. The IND application should provide a detailed overview of the potential side effects of the drug and how these will be monitored during the clinical trials.

Failing to address potential safety concerns can result in delays in the approval process or even the rejection of the IND application. Biotech startups should ensure that they address potential safety concerns in their IND application.

Mistake 5: Failing to Provide Adequate Information About the Clinical Trials

Finally, it is also common for biotech startups to neglect providing adequate information about the clinical trials in their IND application. The IND application should provide a detailed overview of the clinical trials, including the design, methodology, and patient population.

Failing to provide adequate information about the clinical trials can result in delays in the approval process or even the rejection of the IND application. Biotech startups should ensure that they provide detailed information about the clinical trials in their IND application.


Crafting a well-written IND development plan is vital for the success of a biotech startup's drug development journey.

By avoiding the mistakes outlined in this blog post—conducting adequate preclinical studies, providing comprehensive drug information, defining clear objectives and endpoints, addressing safety concerns, and presenting detailed information about the clinical trials—biotech startups can enhance their prospects of obtaining FDA approval and bringing their innovative drugs to market.

With the partnership of ProPharma, a trusted industry expert, biotech startups can ensure a robust and well-structured IND application, navigating the drug development process with confidence, and achieving their goals of delivering impactful treatments to patients in need.

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