Hands typing on laptop displaying diagram of DNA double helix

Regulatory Sciences

The Moving Regulatory Landscape for Gene Therapy Trials in EU: Part 2

Change in the Submission of the Summary Notification Information Format The Summary Notification Information Format Form As of January 31, 2023, Sponsors are required to submit a Clinical Trial...

Regulatory Sciences

The Moving Regulatory Landscape for Gene Therapy Trials in EU: Part 1

The Benefit of the Common Application Form for GMO Applications GMO Application Not Included in Clinical Trial Regulation With the transition period for the Clinical Trial Regulation No 536/2014...

Meet the Expert: Susanna Heinonen


Meet the Expert: Susanna Heinonen

Our “Meet the Expert” series introduces you to our team of experts around the world. This “behind the curtain” view will help you get to know who we are on a professional and personal level, and...

Regulatory Sciences

Highlights from FDA's Analytical Test Method Validation Guidance

Recently, the FDA updated a long-standing, decades old guidance on analytical test method validation based on revisions of the ICH Q2(R2) guidelines. Traditional test method validation requirements...

Regulatory Sciences

MLR Submission Content: Setting Yourself up for a Successful PRC Review

Having a highly efficient well-oiled Promotional Review Committee (PRC) machine is not just about having rock star reviewers and effective best practices in place. Although those are both critical...

Hand holding pen between fingers typing on laptop and using tablet device

R&D Technology

What is a LIMS, and How Do I Know if I Need One?

What is a LIMS? At first, a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) sounds like something that would be useful in any lab. Isn't the purpose of a lab to produce information, and shouldn’t...

Meet the Expert: David Lough


Meet the Expert: David Lough

Our “Meet the Expert” series introduces you to our team of experts around the world. This “behind the curtain” view will help you get to know who we are on a professional and personal level, and...


An Overview of the PSMF: Pharmacovigilance System Master File

What is a PSMF? The EU Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) is a legally required document created and maintained by a Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH). Essentially, the document is a...


The GPO An Essential Guide to the Graduated Plan Officer (Der Stufenplanbeauftragte)

Introduction According to §63a of the German Medicinal Products Act (AMG), a pharmaceutical entrepreneur who places finished medicinal products on the market that are medicinal products within the...

Health care worker and patient smiling reviewing clipboard

Medical Information

The Role of Patient Support Services in the Evolving World of Cell & Gene Therapies (CAGTs)

Cell and Gene Therapies (CAGTs) represent a transformative step in medicine, offering unprecedented potential to treat and potentially cure diseases once deemed untreatable. However, the path to...

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