Clinical Research Solutions

How a Strong Regulatory Strategy Supports Your Product’s Success

One of the big questions pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies often ask, is: “When is the optimal time to seek strategic regulatory consulting assistance?”. Traditionally, the need...

Clinical Research Solutions

Regulatory Strategy for Clinical Trials in the European Union

Regulatory Strategy for Clinical Trials in the European Union: Setting up a clinical trial in the European Union (EU) has historically been an expensive and time-consuming business. With 27...

Clinical Research Solutions

Is it Time to Sharpen Your Target Product Profile (TPP)?

Is it Time to Sharpen Your Target Product Profile (TPP)? We’ve heard it countless times: “Fail early and live to fight another day.” “Preserve capital, human resources, and energy for a project with...

Clinical Research Solutions

How to Select the “Right” CMO Partner

There are many ways in which you can evaluate a Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO) to identify the best fit for your company’s needs. Every company knows, timing is critical to success. But...

Clinical Research Solutions

eQMS: Your Questions, Answered

If you work in a regulated industry, you’ve most likely heard the term eQMS or enterprise quality management system. But you may be wondering what is it? Why do I need it? And how do I choose the...

Clinical Research Solutions

How to Adopt an eQMS in 3 Simple Steps

A recent survey showed that 33% of the organizations surveyed use paper quality management systems; 60% use some paper and some digital; and 7% use no QMS yet. (source: Gartner peer insights) Quality...

Clinical Research Solutions

Understanding Bioequivalence and Product-Specific Guidances

The FDA regularly issues new and revised product-specific guidances to facilitate the availability of generic drugs and assist the generic pharmaceutical industry with identifying the most...

Clinical Research Solutions

Meet the Expert: Daniel Solorio

Our “Meet the Expert” series introduces you to our team of experts around the world. This “behind the curtain” view will help you get to know who we are on a professional and personal level, and...

Regulatory Sciences

Critical Issues in Drug Development: Don't Get Derailed in Developmental Efforts

Pharmaceutical companies spend massive amounts of money on drug development. Regardless of a firm’s size, the investment is substantial; the smallest error can have catastrophic consequences,...

Clinical Research Solutions

Five Steps Toward a Mature Data Integrity Culture

The corporate and quality culture has a significant effect on the maturity level of Data Integrity within a regulated company and should, therefore, be assessed and understood. To achieve the level...

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