The Weinberg Group CEO to Speak at AIPPI’s International Convention on the Economy of Innovation

April 17, 2018

Matthew Weinberg to Speak at AIPPI Conference in April 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – April 17, 2018 – Matthew Weinberg, Chief Executive Officer of The Weinberg Group Inc., will be speaking at the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property’s (AIPPI’s) third International Convention on The Economy of Innovation on April 30, 2018.

Mr. Weinberg’s speech will be focused on the pharmaceutical industry in the United States, specifically focusing on the industry’s driving forces, as well as recent developments regarding patents and the FDA and their impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

The Israeli chapter of AIPPI, “the world’s leading international organization dedicated to the development and improvement of intellectual property,” is hosting the conference for the third time.  AIPPI is organizing and hosting the conference in collaboration with various organizations that have a significant footprint in the IP world.  The two-day conference “is a unique event in that it takes a hybrid approach and offers insight into the pivotal legal and business decisions faced by innovators and businesses on a daily basis, in the various stages of business development.”

About the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property AIPPI:  AIPPI is an international politically neutral non-profit organization.  The organization is headquartered in Switzerland and has nearly 9,000 members representing more than 100 countries.  AIPPI’s goal is to "improve and promote the protection of intellectual property on both an international and national basis.  It pursues this objective by working for the development, expansion and improvement of international and regional treaties and agreements, and also national laws relating to intellectual property.”

About The Weinberg Group Inc: The Weinberg Group is the world’s leading FDA consultancy, working with pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies on FDA, regulatory, quality and compliance, and company-related matters for over 35 years.  Founded in 1983, The Weinberg Group has helped countless companies achieve successful interactions with the FDA.


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