Former Deputy Director of Diagnostics, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Joins NDA Partners as Expert Consultant

July 1, 2021

NDA Partners President Earle Martin announced today that Cristina Giachetti, PhD, former Deputy Director of Diagnostics at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has joined the firm as an Expert Consultant. Dr. Giachetti is a life science executive with extensive experience in the healthcare and biotechnology industries, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations. Her experience includes managing complex diagnostics programs to develop and implement products used to screen for cancers, select and monitor therapies, diagnose infections, and screen blood, tissue, and organ donors.

Prior to her position at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Giachetti was Senior Vice President of Research and Development at Hologic. She also served as Vice President of Research and Development and Vice President of Development and Executive Sponsor of HPV Program at Gen-Probe, where she led research and development, regulatory, clinical, scientific, and medical affairs. Previously, she served in director-level positions in blood bank product development where her work improving the safety of the blood supply awarded Gen-Probe the National Medal of Technology, presented by the President of the United States.

According to Dr. Alberto Gutierrez, Manager of NDA Partners’ diagnostic device development practice, “Dr. Giachetti’s extensive experience managing complex diagnostic programs make her a valuable resource to our clients developing products used to screen for cancers, select and monitor therapies, diagnose infections, and screen blood, tissue, and organ donors.”

Dr. Giachetti received her doctorate degree in biochemistry from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and completed her post-doctoral training in virology and molecular virology at the University of California in San Diego and Irvine.

About NDA Partners
NDA Partners, a ProPharma Group company, is a life sciences management consulting and contract development organization focused on providing product development and regulatory services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries worldwide. The highly experienced Expert Consultants in NDA Partners include three former FDA Center Directors; the former Chief Executive Officer and Chief Science Officer at the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP); an international team of more than 100 former pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agency senior executives; and an extensive roster of highly proficient experts in specialized areas including nonclinical development, toxicology, pharmacokinetics, CMC, medical device design control and quality systems, clinical development, regulatory submissions, and development program management. Services include product development and regulatory strategy, product development program design and management, expert consulting, functional teams, project-based solutions, and clinical trial design and management.

Earle Martin, President
Office: 540-738-2550


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